"Počivali u miru 3" – iskapanjem grobova do istine, posljednji put

Po meni od svih novijih pokušaja kvalitetne produkcije, od Crno-bijelog svijeta do Novina, jedini u potpunosti uspješan projekt čiju kvalitetu na svim poljima – od scenarija, glume, režije, produkcije još uvijek promatram u nevjerici.

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"Rest in Peace 3" - by digging graves to the truth, one last time

In my opinion, of all recent attempts at quality TV production, from "Black-White World" to "Newspaper", "Rest in Peace" is the only fully successful project whose quality in all fields - screenwriting, acting, directing, production - I still watch in disbelief.

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Visoko podignuta ljestvica 3. sezone "Počivali u miru"

U prvoj epizodi u narodnjačkom klubu (uvjerljivo prikazanom) biva upucan arogantni sin generala Koretića. Iako su nas autori (Dario Vince i Saša Podgorelec) uvjeravali da ne treba tražiti ključ za likove u hrvatskoj stvarnosti, teško je bilo u generalu Koretiću kojeg tumači Dejan Aćimović ne vidjeti lik generala Korade i njegova problematičnog sina.

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"Rest in Peace" season 3 raised the bar high

In the first episode, the arrogant son of general Koretić is shot in a folk club (convincingly shown). Although the authors (Dario Vince and Saša Podgorelec) assured us that we should not look for the key to the characters in Croatian reality, it was difficult not to see the character of general Korade and his troubled son in general Koretić, played by Dejan Aćimović.

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Najbolje priče su oko nas – "Počivali u miru 3"

Po meni, i to kažem bez grižnje savjesti, trenutno ne postoji ništa bolje u domaćoj produkciji.

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The best stories are around us - "Rest in Peace 3"

In my opinion, and I say this without remorse, there is currently nothing better in domestic production.

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"Počivali u miru" - još jedan korak naprijed najozbiljnije hrvatske serije

Dapače, u slučaju serije "Počivali u miru" mogli bismo reći da je i stvorila svoje standarde jer je osebujnom mješavinom krimi-priča i za ovo podneblje karakterističnih okolnosti stvorila nešto što bi se moglo nazvati hrvatskim noireom. "Počivali u miru" nikada nije nalikovala nečemu drugom, nikada se nije pozivala ni na Skandinavce i njihove krimiće ni na "Wire" ni na boktepitaj što. Imala je doista svoj stil, temu, specifično vezanu uz ovo područje, a opet - univerzalnu.

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"Rest in Peace" - another step forward of the most serious Croatian series

Actually, we could say that 'Rest in Peace' invented its standards. A special mixture of crime stories and characteristic local circumstances created something that could be called Croatian noire. 'Rest in Peace' never resembled anything else, it never referred to either the Scandinavians and their crime stories or 'Wire' or who knows what... It had its own style, theme, specifically related to this area, and yet - universal.

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Počivali u miru: netko ubija pripadnike zlatne mladeži, ali se ne zna zašto i hoće li se taj lanac nastaviti

Na izvjestan način ovo je najprovokativnija sezona. Koliko god subverzivna, prva se referirala na devedesete i na ranija razdoblja, druga se preselila u Istru i donekle odmakla od centara moći, dok je treća u samom njihovom središtu.

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Rest in Peace: someone is killing members of the Golden Youth, but it is not known why and whether the chain will continue

In a way, this is the most provocative season. As subversive as it may be, the first referred to the 1990s and earlier periods, the second moved to Istria and moved somewhat away from the centers of power, while the third is at their very center.

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Serija Počivali u miru osvaja i američko tržište

Nakon što je britanska tvrtka Global Series Network otkupila licenciju za prikazivanje serije Počivali u miru, čiji je razvoj financirao HAVC, za područje Ujedinjenoga Kraljevstva, serija će se emitirati i na području Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

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After British firm Global Series Network bought the UK rights to the television series Rest in Peace, whose development was financed by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the series will be showing in the United States as well.

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Domaća serija 'Počivali u miru' od danas na američkom televizijskom tržištu

Jedan od kreatora i urednik projekta Walter Presents Walter Iuzzolino izabrao je seriju Počivali u miru u konkurenciji od četiri tisuće serija iz cijeloga svijeta te se ona tako našla u ekskluzivnome izboru od 34 najbolje serije za 2017. godinu.

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As of today, 'Rest in Peace' is on the American television market

One of the creators and editor of the Walter Presents project, Walter Iuzzolino, chose the series "Rest in Peace" in a competition of four thousand series from around the world, and it thus found itself in the exclusive selection of the 34 best series for 2017.

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