The production qualities are as good as anything you’d expect to see come out of more recognised territories producing modern-day dramas like this – the shots of the prison are so beautifully creepy, you can almost feel the cold, damp conditions the prisoners had to live in. The acting is pretty good throughout, and the main characters are believable and engaging. There’s really nothing to fault.
Nakon što je britanska tvrtka Global Series Network otkupila licenciju za prikazivanje serije Počivali u miru, čiji je razvoj financirao HAVC, za područje Ujedinjenoga Kraljevstva, serija će se emitirati i na području Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.
After British firm Global Series Network bought the UK rights to the television series Rest in Peace, whose development was financed by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the series will be showing in the United States as well.
Jedan od kreatora i urednik projekta Walter Presents Walter Iuzzolino izabrao je seriju Počivali u miru u konkurenciji od četiri tisuće serija iz cijeloga svijeta te se ona tako našla u ekskluzivnome izboru od 34 najbolje serije za 2017. godinu.
As of today, 'Rest in Peace' is on the American television market
One of the creators and editor of the Walter Presents project, Walter Iuzzolino, chose the series "Rest in Peace" in a competition of four thousand series from around the world, and it thus found itself in the exclusive selection of the 34 best series for 2017.
Ne samo da je to prva naša serija koja će se emitirati u Velikoj Britaniji nego je i prva iz čitave regije. Nimalo slučajno da se Walter Iuzzolino "zakačio" upravo za nju, jer je dosad imala poprilično zapažen svjetski uspjeh.
Who is Walter Iuzzolino, thanks to whom the Croatian series 'Rest in Peace' will be broadcast in Great Britain from next year
Not only is this our first series to air in the UK but it is also the first from across the region. It is no coincidence that Walter Iuzzolino "hooked" on it because so far it has had quite a notable worldwide success.
'Projekt Walter Presents pokrenut je kako bi predstavio ponajbolje dramske serije diljem cijeloga svijeta te smo ponosni što smo otkupili licenciju za emitiranje dramske serije Počivali u miru, naše prve hrvatske serije. Nadam se da će ova prodaja biti jedan od mnogih budućih poslovnih uspjeha domaće produkcije na inozemnome tržištu', izjavio je povodom sklapanja ugovora dramski urednik i jedan od kreatora projekta Walter Presents Walter Iuzzolino.
'The project Walter Presents was initiated in order to introduce the best dramas from around the globe and we are proud to have bought the rights to broadcast the television drama series Rest in Peace, our first Croatian series. I hope that this is the first of many successful transactions for Croatian productions on the global market,' said Walter Iuzzolino, television producer and co-creator of Walter Presents.
Pravo prikazivanja hrvatske dramske TV serije Počivali u miru, razvijane u okviru Nacionalnog programa razvoja audiovizualne industrije, otkupila je belgijska javna televizija za flamansko govorno područje - Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroeporganisatie - VRT (Flamanska radiotelevizija), članica EBU-a. Ovo je prva televizijska serija, čiji je razvoj financirao HAVC, koja će se prikazati na nekoj televiziji zapadne europe.
The right to air the Croatian drama TV series Rest in Peace, developed within the National Program for the Development of the Audiovisual Industry, was purchased by the Belgian public television for the Flemish-speaking area - Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroeporganisatie - VRT (Flemish Radio and Television), a member of the EBU. This is the first television series, the development of which was financed by Croatian Audiovisual Centre, to be shown by a broadcaster in Western Europe.
Lionsgate has picked up the remake rights to Rest in Peace, a crime procedural from Croatia, marking the first time a Croatian format has sold to a major North American production company.
Lionsgate, jedan od pet najvećih filmskih i televizijskih studija na svijetu, otkupio je prava na format hvaljene domaće dramske serije koju je za HRT proizvela nezavisna producentska kuća.
Lionsgate, one of the five largest film and television studios in the world, has bought the rights to the format of the acclaimed domestic drama series produced for HRT by an independent production company.