Znajući kakvim se sve banalnostima zabavljaju naši scenaristi, zbunjuje da im godinama pred nosom promiču nevjerojatno uzbudljive priče, lokalni krimići, mafijaške sage, melodramski zapleti i politički trileri koji ostaju filmski intaktni. „Počivali u miru“ prvi je domaći dramski proizvod koji pokazuje zdravorazumski ukus i interes za teme i priče koje nas okružuju, a većina od onih koje sam imao priliku vidjeti ima potencijal i za cjelovečernji film.
A Croatian noir that even the Danes would not be ashamed of
Knowing what banalities our screenwriters are amused by, it is confusing that for years they have been disregarding incredibly exciting stories - local crime tales, mafia sagas, melodramatic plots, and political thrillers that remain cinematically intact. "Rest in Peace" is the first domestic drama product that shows common sense and interest in the themes and stories that surround us, and most of those I have had the opportunity to see have the potential for a feature film.
Nema nikakve sumnje da će pojedini momenti, a vjerojatno i čitave epizode ove serije, nekim gledateljima teško pasti, no dobrim je dramskim serijama ionako jedna od temeljnih zadaća - dobro prodrmati i razbuditi publiku.
'Rest in peace' - the peak of domestic feature TV production
There is no doubt that some moments, and probably entire episodes of this series, will be difficult for some viewers, but one of the basic tasks of good drama series is to shake and wake up the audience.
The series will surely provoke fierce controversy because the opening of graves is actually a metaphor for digging through the cancerous wounds of Croatian society.