
Zašto je "Počivali u miru" jedan od najzanimljivijih proizvoda europske televizije

Uzmite samo scenu iz devete epizode u kojoj Kosta Mandić nadmudri Iglu, sjeda na svoj motocikl iz snova, izlijeće na njemu iz radne sobe prepune prašnjavih dosjea, probija balkon i izvodi jedno od najefektnijih samoubojstava u povijesti filma i televizije.

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Why "Rest in Peace" is one of the most interesting products of European television

Just take the scene from the ninth episode in which Kosta Mandić outsmarts Igla, sits on his dream motorcycle, flies on it from a study full of dusty files, breaks through the balcony, and performs one of the most spectacular suicides in the history of film and television.

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Visoko podignuta ljestvica 3. sezone "Počivali u miru"

U prvoj epizodi u narodnjačkom klubu (uvjerljivo prikazanom) biva upucan arogantni sin generala Koretića. Iako su nas autori (Dario Vince i Saša Podgorelec) uvjeravali da ne treba tražiti ključ za likove u hrvatskoj stvarnosti, teško je bilo u generalu Koretiću kojeg tumači Dejan Aćimović ne vidjeti lik generala Korade i njegova problematičnog sina.

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"Rest in Peace" season 3 raised the bar high

In the first episode, the arrogant son of general Koretić is shot in a folk club (convincingly shown). Although the authors (Dario Vince and Saša Podgorelec) assured us that we should not look for the key to the characters in Croatian reality, it was difficult not to see the character of general Korade and his troubled son in general Koretić, played by Dejan Aćimović.

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Počivali u miru: netko ubija pripadnike zlatne mladeži, ali se ne zna zašto i hoće li se taj lanac nastaviti

Na izvjestan način ovo je najprovokativnija sezona. Koliko god subverzivna, prva se referirala na devedesete i na ranija razdoblja, druga se preselila u Istru i donekle odmakla od centara moći, dok je treća u samom njihovom središtu.

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Rest in Peace: someone is killing members of the Golden Youth, but it is not known why and whether the chain will continue

In a way, this is the most provocative season. As subversive as it may be, the first referred to the 1990s and earlier periods, the second moved to Istria and moved somewhat away from the centers of power, while the third is at their very center.

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Domaća serija 'Počivali u miru' od danas na američkom televizijskom tržištu

Jedan od kreatora i urednik projekta Walter Presents Walter Iuzzolino izabrao je seriju Počivali u miru u konkurenciji od četiri tisuće serija iz cijeloga svijeta te se ona tako našla u ekskluzivnome izboru od 34 najbolje serije za 2017. godinu.

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As of today, 'Rest in Peace' is on the American television market

One of the creators and editor of the Walter Presents project, Walter Iuzzolino, chose the series "Rest in Peace" in a competition of four thousand series from around the world, and it thus found itself in the exclusive selection of the 34 best series for 2017.

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Tko je Walter Iuzzolino, zahvaljujući kojem će se hrvatska serija 'Počivali u miru' od iduće godine emitirati u Velikoj Britaniji

Ne samo da je to prva naša serija koja će se emitirati u Velikoj Britaniji nego je i prva iz čitave regije. Nimalo slučajno da se Walter Iuzzolino "zakačio" upravo za nju, jer je dosad imala poprilično zapažen svjetski uspjeh.

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Who is Walter Iuzzolino, thanks to whom the Croatian series 'Rest in Peace' will be broadcast in Great Britain from next year

Not only is this our first series to air in the UK but it is also the first from across the region. It is no coincidence that Walter Iuzzolino "hooked" on it because so far it has had quite a notable worldwide success.

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Da je ovo američka serija, sigurno bi dobila Emmyja

Toliko efektnih izvedbi već dugo nismo vidjeli na malim ekranima: Judita Franković i Goran Navojec posjeduju kemiju koja je nepohodna za međuodnos njihovih protagonista, no mislim da neću pogriješiti ako posebno izdvojim Dragana Despota, Ninu Violić i Anju Šovagović Despot. Da su u Americi, natjecali bi se za nagradu Emmy, a ovako će se morati zadovoljiti ponekom nominacijom za nagradu Hrvatskog glumišta.

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If this was an American series, it would surely get an Emmy

We haven't seen so many effective performances on small screens for a long time: Judita Franković and Goran Navojec have the chemistry that is necessary for the relationship between their protagonists, but I don't think I'll be wrong if I single out Dragan Despot, Nina Violić and Anja Šovagović Despot. If they were in America, they would compete for the Emmy award, and this way they will have to settle for a few nominations for the Croatian Acting Award.

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Serija koja će izazvati polemike

Serija će sigurno izazvati žestoke polemike jer je otvaranje grobova zapravo metafora za prekopavanje po rak-ranama hrvatskog društva.

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A series that will provoke controversy

The series will surely provoke fierce controversy because the opening of graves is actually a metaphor for digging through the cancerous wounds of Croatian society.

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