"Žigosani u reketu", napisat ću stoga odmah te ću na taj način spriječiti to da im nanesem i treću nepravdu prevelikim odugovlačenjem oko iskazivanja konačnog suda o toj seriji, bolja je serija i od mnogih američkih!
The Serbian series "Branded On Court" is better than all Croatian soap operas
"Branded On Court", I will write immediately and in that way, I will prevent me from inflicting the third injustice on them by procrastinating too much about the final judgment on that series, is better than many American ones!
I nakon prve, intrigantne epizode, pobunili su se Istrijani, koji su nezadovoljni 'skidanjem' naglaska. Ekipa serije već se osvrnula na kritike i na svojoj službenoj Facebook stranici.
The second season of 'Rest in Peace' has started, people reacted furiously to the actors' dialect
After the first, intriguing episode, the Istrians rebelled, dissatisfied with 'mimicking' of the accent. The team of the series has already commented on the criticism on its official Facebook page.
Dario Vince, vlasnik Ring produkcije i Saša Podgorelec, glavni scenarist serije "Počivali u miru" koju je otkupio Lionsgate, otkrivaju kako je ona nastala i što nas očekuje u drugoj sezoni.
We did not earn anything from the series in Croatia, but we raised the standard
Dario Vince, owner of Ring produkcija and Saša Podgorelec, the main screenwriter of the series "Rest in Peace" bought by Lionsgate, reveal how it was created and what awaits us in the second season.