Scenaristi s originalnim idejama koji znaju ispričati intrigantne i uzbudljive priče, sve su više na cijeni u filmskom biznisu. Jedan od takvih je i hrvatski scenarist i redatelj Saša Podgorelec.
Without responsibility toward the money, Croatian Radiotelevision will sink into insignificance
Screenwriters with original ideas who know how to tell intriguing and exciting stories are increasingly valued in the film business. One of them is the Croatian screenwriter and director Saša Podgorelec.
Dario Vince, vlasnik Ring produkcije i Saša Podgorelec, glavni scenarist serije "Počivali u miru" koju je otkupio Lionsgate, otkrivaju kako je ona nastala i što nas očekuje u drugoj sezoni.
We did not earn anything from the series in Croatia, but we raised the standard
Dario Vince, owner of Ring produkcija and Saša Podgorelec, the main screenwriter of the series "Rest in Peace" bought by Lionsgate, reveal how it was created and what awaits us in the second season.